
The Intelligent Leader By John Mattone

I’m excited to announce a new book by my friend and colleague, John Mattone (the world’s top-ranked executive coach), that I think will be a real game changer for all leaders and aspiring leaders looking to take their performance to the next level. The Intelligent Leader gets to the heart of what it takes to be a truly great leader. And he’s offering a special promotion that I think you’ll want to check out. 

Learn more about The Intelligent Leader

John has found a solution to the “leadership gap” that so many in today’s business world (and beyond) are facing; and he’s developed an approach that cuts right to the core of what holds leaders and aspiring leaders back from greatness. It’s what has made him the world’s top executive coach and what has drawn Fortune 500 CEOs—from the late Steve Jobs to PepsiCo’s Roger Enrico—to seek his counsel. 
In the book, John guides you through his 7 dimensions of Intelligent Leadership, using a variety of real world examples, tools, and assessments:

1. Thinking Differently, Thinking Big

2. The Vulnerability Decision

3. Having a Mindset of Entitlement versus a Mindset of Duty

4. Leveraging Your Gifts and Addressing Your Gaps

5. Having the Courage to Execute with Pride, Passion, and Precision

6. Staying Present and Being Vigilant

7. Course Correction

If you order a copy today, you’ll get free access to the Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory ($110 value), which is a tool he’s developed for people to determine their unique leadership style, strengths and developmental opportunities and a FREE Strategic Session with me. 
You can learn more and get your copy (plus the MLEI bonus) at www.theintelligentleaderbook.com

Dr. Luis A. Figueroa (Dr. Lou) is President of Omega Mindset Consulting, LLC for coaching, training, and consulting. Coach Lou as a Master IL Executive Leadership Coach with a mandate to help individuals and organizations unlock and unleash their greatness moving the needle using Intelligent Leadership with psychometrics assessments to transform the World. Designing futures with the End in Mind.

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