Topics I Cover

***Unlock Your Leadership Potential Unleash a Winning Culture!

         “Intelligent Leadership might just be the best leadership book of 2013. It’s one of the deepest leadership and personal development books since Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Tony Robbins’ Unlimited Power. It’s that good. –J.D. Meier

An Inc. Magazine/800 CEO READ and AMAZON Best Seller

This powerful program is based on John’s Mattone’s new CEO Read/Inc. Magazine best-seller, Intelligent Leadership (March, 2013).

Dr. Lou will teach from the Mattone Method of principles that made John Mattone the man current and future Fortune 500 leaders turn to for game-changing insights on how to overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts and habits. Coach Lou reveals his key insights for unlocking and unleashing greatness in yourself and your teams so you can create a compelling, winning culture that drives breakthrough results.

The ideal audience for this program are current successful leaders, high-potential leaders, and the vast number of Gen X and Y’ers who must strengthen themselves as leaders, regardless of their own aspirations to become a manager or not. Ultimately, this program is for organizations that want to create and sustain a powerful, compelling leadership culture that drives positive results.

Dr. Lou utilizes the Mattone Method “Leadership Maturity Model” as the foundation for teaching leaders and emerging leaders the predictive components that unlock and unleash their full potential. These components include: (1) the core of achieving emotional maturity–possessing a strong self-awareness, self-concept, values, and optimistic belief system; (2) positive thinking; (3) positive emotions that empower both the leader and others; and (4) possessing the skills to execute mature leadership behaviors and competencies that drive leadership success.

Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One/Multi-Day Retreat

It’s About Talent. It Will Always Be About Talent: Creating & Sustaining a Winning Talent Culture

         “Throughout his lively and eloquent narrative, Mattone makes skillful use of reader-friendly tools that help you identify and develop leaders and future leaders. No brief commentary such as mine possibly do full justice to the quality and value of the material in this volume”.—Hall of Fame Business Reviewer, Robert Morris

An Inc. Magazine/800 CEO READ and AMAZON Best Seller

—RE-DO with bullet points instead

  • Based on John Mattone global study research on the area of talent & leadership development. He interviewed and surveyed over 150 CEO’s and Heads of HR & Talent Management.
  • Found corroborative evidence the #1 issue cited by respondents was the need to identify and develop future leaders. 

 If you are the CEO of a typical organization anywhere in the world—except India and a few South American and African countries—you actually are faced with two major issues: One, anywhere from 40-70% of your management team is expected to retire in the next five years; and second, when you look at your supply pool of available talent to take these critical roles, your Gen X population is in massive short supply and your Gen Y population is too young and not ready. In some respects it is a global demographic issue but, most importantly, my research clearly identified that the main issue is that most companies are not doing a good job looking deep into their organizations at younger individual contributors who possess the capability to become great leaders and future senior executives. There is massive leadership talent “hiding” in most organizations and these people need to be identified and developed.

This powerful program is based on John Mattone’s new best-selling book, Talent Leadership. This program is for all leaders who want to create a winning talent culture as a foundation to driving superior operating results. Mattone’s proprietary “Stealth Talent Cultural” Model provides the foundation for attendees to learn about the critical talent cultural elements that predict operating success. These elements include:

It’s About Talent. It Will Always Be About Talent: Creating & Sustaining a Winning Talent Culture***

“This is a must-read for every CEO, senior leader, and HR executive, if they want to drive breakthrough operating results.” —Dan Hoeyer, CEO, Business Educators, Inc.

An Inc. Magazine/800 CEO READ and AMAZON Best Seller


•  Isolating target leadership competencies aligned with strategy;

•  Creating and implementing a robust “Talent Deployment” capability–sourcing, screening, selecting and promoting top talent;

•  Creating and implementing a strong “Talent Diagnosis” capability–being diligent in measuring the competencies, skills and capabilities of your talent;

•  Creating and implementing a compelling “Talent Development” capability–providing the tools, processes and resources that unleash the potential of your talent; and

•  Creating and implementing a world-class “Talent Demarcation” capability–accurately separating the A players, the B players and C players.Available as a Keynote; Half-Day; One/Two-Day Session Identifying and Developing Leaders and Future Leaders….Cited by CEO’s as the World’s #1 Business Challenge— John Mattone “There is more due diligence done by companies when operating decisions are made than when talent decisions are made, yet the most critical variable in driving breakthrough operating performance is talent—how it’s deployed, measured, developed, and rewarded” – John Mattone “John Mattone has developed a fool-proof method for identifying and developing leaders and prospective leaders” – Marshall Goldsmith, author of 31 books including The New York Times bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

***Transforming Culture The Road to Accelerating Reinvention & Renewal***

“In Cultural Transformations, John Mattone has brought leader development to a new level through his unique interviews with some of the world’s top CEO’s….John and his co-author, Nick Vaidya were able to get these powerful executives to open-up and talk about how their values, character, and beliefs have had a dramatic impact on the organizational cultures they have created…this book is a powerful learning vehicle and must read for leaders, future leaders and all organizations that must transform to survive” –Marshall Goldsmith

“As in medicine, in the world of transforming leaders, talent and organizational culture, the riveting reality is that prescription before diagnosis is malpractice”—John Mattone

Dr. Lou shares a power-packed presentation based on The Mattone Method Blueprint for Culture  revealing the critical steps that must be planned-out and executed in order for any organization to create and sustain a renewed, winning culture that engages, inspires and unleashes talent in support of driving breakthrough results.

Culture is the foundation from which successful organizations are built—however, most struggle to create an environment in which employees can be fulfilled, effective in their work, and feel “unleashed”. What exactly is it that makes some organizations achieve and sustain breakthrough success, while others struggle with cultural transformation…whether it involves crafting a new compelling vision and culture or merging cultures? The Mattone Method Blueprint for Culture is based on years of research and advising Fortune 1000 CEO’s and senior leadership teams by John Mattone who argues that the highest performing organizations both embrace and execute 6 critical steps to achieving positive transformation, but transforming culture always begins with a CEO who is both willing and able to “think big” and be bold while maintaining a heavy dose of “humility”. In this dynamic presentation, Dr. Lou details the essence of what is meant by the “vulnerability decision” as well as the other critical steps that must be executed in order for your organization to effectively accelerate its’ own reinvention.

Available as a Keynote

Success Mapping: Creating Your Powerful, Compelling Future

Based on the Mattone Method Blueprint for success Dr. Lou shares from the insights of John Mattone who  is the man Fortune 500 companies turn to for game-changing insights on how to help their leaders and employees overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits, and discover powerful and unique ways to unlock and unleash their potential. Dr. Lou shares to  help people achieve an “inner-core” balance by strengthening their self-image, character and values, thinking patterns, beliefs, emotions, and actions, so they realize greater success…stronger relationships, stronger partnerships, new levels of achievement, and wellness.

This interactive program will prepare and cultivate your heart, mind and soul so you are poised to “touch” the hearts, minds and souls of those with whom you work and live. In the role of grandparent, parent, spouse, son or daughter, and as a working professional- regardless of title or occupation, there is truly no more a noble, worthy or rewarding life pursuit than discovering the keys to achieving a stronger “mental state” as a foundation to unlocking and unleashing your own massive potential, as well as the potential of those with whom you work and live. Dr. Lou shares based on  John Mattone’s teaching of success is not tied to having abundance; his philosophy is that it is the “disciplined pursuit of less, in the end, will give you more”.

Your Success Roadmap: How to Create Your Powerful, Compelling Future is a research and empirically-based program that uses the Wheel of Professional SuccessTM and Map of MaturityTM from the Mattone Method as the foundation for explaining the predictive relationships that exist between an individual’s “inner-core” strength, “outer-core” competencies, achieving “mental balance”, and how your heightened “brilliance” can drive a stronger, more vibrant and effective person. Beyond explanation, however, this program will challenge you to reflect on, connect with, and accept both the “gifts” and development opportunities you possess. From there,you will be guided in specific ways on how to strengthen your “inner- core” character, values, beliefs, thoughts and emotions as well as your “outer-core” competencies so you breakthrough your self-imposed limitations and can achieve all that you are capable of achieving as a person and professional, while maintaining “balance” and health.

Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One-Day Session


1-DISC-for behavior


3-HVP-Can you ID your thinking style? 

4-EQ2- Emotional Intelligence better than IQ?

5-Learning-Do you know best method to incorporate information?


“Do Unto Others As They Want Done Unto Them”