5 DISC Workshops


I. Self-awareness and Communication

This workshop guides participants on a path of heightened self-awareness and personal discovery. Each participant will have revealed their unique behavioral style blend and “how to” apply that knowledge prescriptively, boosting communication effectiveness. Studies indicate that 92% of workplace conflict is the result of misunderstanding and communication breakdowns. Entire organizations can apply DISC’s prescriptive lessons of behavioral adaptability to reduce employee conflict and turnover, increase productivity, and optimize team performance. 


II. Transitioning from Peer to Leader

The belief, “employees don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses” may never pose a greater risk than during times of individual employee elevation, and the inevitable interpersonal dynamic-shifts that can accompany it. Transitioning from Peer to Leader is a course tailor-made for participants in transition from individual contributors to leaders – whether it be supervisor, manager or executive. This Workshop will guide newly minted managers through an engaging leadership course, centered around understanding successful leaders’ many-faceted roles and responsibilities. Participants will be prepared for commonplace social changes, how to circumnavigate employee stressors by employing DISC communication skills, and how to effectively communicate performance objectives. Lastly, participants will receive guidance in developing action plans to apply what they’ve learned. Transitioning from Peer to Leader may begin with a promotion, but it requires far more than just adapting to a new job. 


III. Trust-Based Leadership

Our strongest relationships are rooted in trust. Unsurprisingly, an organization’s most critical relationships exist between its leaders and individual contributors. This Workshop can rely on this course to help organizations create an environment of leadership influence rooted in trust – through communication, credibility and confidence. This workshop’s participants will explore the impact their leadership style has on others, through participatory activities and reviewing practical examples. Learned best practices include the importance of excellent listening as a leader, creating an environment of accountability and identifying individual versus team needs. By remaining behaviorally conscious of the leadership roles and responsibilities which ultimately foster trusting relationships, organizations can create a working environment that’s fertile for growth, retention and expansion. If there were such a thing as Leadership 101 in a workshop training environment, this would be it.


IV. Making Teams Work

Teamwork is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.” With this DISC Workshop everything needed to instill organizations with the skills, strategies and tools to create teams that gel and excel. During this skill-building course, workshop participants will learn how to assemble teams based on complementary behavioral styles, in order to enhance communication, cooperation and project-based outcomes. Additionally, participants will learn how to distinguish among varying workplace attitudes and behaviors, utilizing the remarkably insightful DISC Team Dynamics. Simply put, Making Teams Work means making a bottomline difference.


V. Sales Optimization

One of DISC’s most intriguing applications is leveraging its behavioral styles and adaptability methodology for sales. After all, it’s a well established fact that buyers are more likely to do business with sales professionals they can relate and identify with. During the Sales Optimization Workshop participants will learn about the basics of DISC: first understanding their own behavioral styles and then how to identify the behavioral styles of others – even within moments of meeting them. 


Being able to efficiently identify the behavioral styles of others, empowers professionals with the insights to adapt their communicative “selling style”, to meet the communicative “buying style” of their prospect. But as any seasoned sales professional will tell you, winning a new client is really just the beginning of the professional selling process. Building and maintaining your relationships is critical for sustained, reciprocal sales success. So participants will also learn how to strengthen these relationships, in order to transform buyers into brand advocates. Other topics covered include: identifying client needs, managing client expectations and a complete exploration of the sales process from A to Z.